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Justice swallows Cannabis ‘alternative facts’ hook, line and sinker

By |2023-11-10T08:51:53+02:00November 10th, 2023|

  By Guy Oliver Hawkers facing attempted murder charges for selling school kids alleged ‘dagga muffins’ and proposed laws penalising adults for a child ‘seeing’ Cannabis are adding to the bewildering array of chapters sourced from a long-running fake news’ yarn Applying criminal sanctions to “decriminalise” Cannabis is for the rational an excursion into the

Labour Court of Appeal 1 November 2023 – Supporting Burny Enever

By |2023-11-22T12:08:55+02:00November 3rd, 2023|

Judgment is reserved in the case of Bernadette Enever vs Barloworld Equipment South Africa. The long-awaited hearing of Burny Enever’s case in the Labour Court of Appeal in Johannesburg was an important day. Not only for the incredible Burny, but also for Fields of Green for ALL’s Strategic Litigation project. A day in court is


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